Adding CCTV cameras to a shipping container self storage site
We spoke to Peter Scott, the Managing Director of Tidworth Self Storage about a recent project they completed to install CCTV to the site, using Domino Clamps.
Tags: Bolt ons, case study, CCTV, tube clamps
Attaching gym equipment to a shipping container
We spoke to Will from Will To Train, who describes himself as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor and lover of all things fitness related, about his experience using Domino Clamps to attach gym equipment to a shipping container.
How to attach a tube horizontally along the side of a shipping container
So far we’ve provided solutions to attach a metal tube to a shipping container vertically, for attaching accessories like floodlights and CCTV. And horizontally, sticking out perpendicular to the container which can be particularly useful if you want to attach something at the same height as the top of the shipping container like a hanging sign. So the last orientation to solve was to attach a tube horizontally along the side of a container.
Tags: Bolt-Ons, How to, Scaffold Tube, tube, tube clamps
How to hang stage lighting from a shipping container
Rather than simply placing lighting precariously on top of the container, attaching it with cable ties, or going to the effort of framing off the whole container with scaffolding or truss, this how-to will show you how to get a long steel pole up, rigged to your container, ready to hang some decorative lighting or festoon.
Tags: Bolt ons, How to, Lighting, Scaffold tube, Stage Lighting, tube clamps
How to attach scaffold tube to a shipping container
A guide to attaching 48mm steel, aluminium or scaffolding tube to a shipping container using Domino Clamps in conjunction with either scaffolding half couplers or tube clamps, along with the pros and cons of each method.