Adding CCTV cameras to a shipping container self storage site


We spoke to Peter Scott, the Managing Director of Tidworth Self Storage about a recent project they completed to install CCTV to the site, using Domino Clamps.

Improving security on a shipping container storage site

For our latest case study we spoke Dan, the owner of Norwest Storage, who recently used Domino Clamps to expand the security provided on site.

How to mount a CCTV bracket to a shipping container

If you have been looking for ways to attach CCTV to shipping containers, you may have already come across our heavy duty CCTV pole option which will hold up to 4 professional cameras, up to 5m in the air. However, if you don't need such a heavy duty solution or you need a quicker, easier to install, or more lightweight option then this new Universal CCTV kit for shipping containers might be for you.

How to attach a CCTV pole to a shipping container

Whether you’re trying to keep an eye on your self storage facility or maintain security over night on a building site, it’s easy to see why using a shipping container as structural ballast for a CCTV tower would be useful. 











