Why attach lighting to a shipping container

In this blog we look at some of the reasons you might want to add lighting to a shipping container. But it’s not only the practical reasons for adding lighting to consider, stage lighting or festoon can enhance the appearance of a venue or concession stand making it more appealing to potential customers. Using Domino Clamps ensures the pole won't be disturbed by high winds or easily removed by passers by. 

Examples of mounting a floodlight to a shipping container which you should avoid

When we first came up with the idea for Domino Clamps, one of the first things we used them for was to attach large metal halide flood lights to shipping containers at events. Working into the evenings, we needed as much light as possible to work safely...

Why fix a long scaffold tube to a shipping container?

Our unique solution for attaching scaffolding and other diameter steel tubes to shipping containers was one of the first bolt-ons we added to our range after releasing the Domino Clamps because they made a whole multitude of other attachments possible, since 48mm (4”) steel tube particularly is so ubiquitous.









