Why attach temporary fencing to a shipping container?
With two Domino Clamps and two 42mm vertical tube clamps, you can attach a vertical steel tube to a shipping container to mimic that of standard temporary fencing panels such as those made by, and commonly referred to as ‘Heras’ fence panels.
With gigs being booked up again for later in the year, it’s not just construction sites that will benefit from sealing off gaps in temporary fencing by terminating the final panel against a shipping container.
So in this blog, we will be looking at some of the reasons for attaching fencing to a shipping container.

Better security
Ensuring that there are no weak points in the security fencing is crucial to making sure the fence is a truly effective barrier, and not just giving the appearance of keeping out unwanted persons.
It is quite common that if the fence panels are installed in a linear fashion (ie they don't form a complete circle), the end panel might not actually be secured to anything at all, meaning that gaining entry is as simple as lifting it out of its block and walking between it and whatever is is adjacent to. By attaching a 42mm tube to the shipping container or some other containerised unit you create a solid mounting point to securely attach the last fence panel, ensuring nobody can slip past.
Fencing off your container at events
Shipping containers are used more and more at events to provide both facilities for attendees and also storage for the organisers, making it easy to use a shipping container to attach temporary fencing in order to secure the venue when closed and preventing entry to the site without payment being made whilst open. This is even more important at the moment whilst there are limitations on the numbers of people allowed to attend events and track and trace is being used due to Covid 19.
Whether your shipping container is at an event as a site office, catering unit, or storage container, you don't necessarily want to have to close and lock the container each and every time to gain access. So building a secure fenced ‘pen’ around the entrance to your container can give you an extra bit of space around the container, free from ready access by attendees.
Temporary fencing panels are economical due to their ability to be reused and convenience to store but they can be unstable even when used in conjunction with ground spikes, temporary fencing stays or composite blocks to prevent them from falling over. Attaching the panels to a shipping container with Domino Clamps not only provides an anchorage point in excess of 2 tonnes but the Domino can be reused at the next event or location and with a recommended working load of up to 2000kg they are a lot more secure than using cable ties, zip ties, ratchet straps or even chain.
Here in the UK, according to the health and safety at work act 1974, it is a legal requirement that reasonable practical steps be taken to ensure the health and safety of members of the public. The regulation states that action must be taken to ensure that no person gains access to the construction site unless they have authorisation to do so, and that the site must be made and kept safe for people working there. This act therefore implies the need for fencing or hoarding around the perimeter of construction sites.
Since shipping containers are commonplace on building and construction sites, used as temporary offices, storage and other amenities, it might make sense to use them as part of the fencing structure. Attaching the fencing to a shipping container is quick and easy using Domino Clamps and just a few hand tools. And with no drilling, no welding and no damage to the container it’s a perfect solution when using rented containers.
By using Domino Clamps to secure the Heras fencing to the site containers, your company can show it has gone the extra mile in its due diligence, ensuring that members of the public can’t access your site.
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