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Wir stellen Ihnen unsere neuen Unistrut-Rohrschellen vor

If you’re looking to attach tubes, pipes and cylindrical masts with a larger diameter than 48mm, then our new Unistrut pipe clamps are perfect for the job! Read more...

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Der ultimative Leitfaden für metrische und imperiale Rohr-, Schlauch- und Schellengrößen

In this guide, we'll break down the basics of tube and pipe sizing, clarify key terminology, and introduce you to the various tube clamps we offer to fit them.

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Die ultimative Anleitung zur Befestigung von Metallrohren an einem Schiffscontainer

Learn how to attach steel tube and scaffolding to a shipping container, what types and size tube you can attach, in what orientation. Read more...

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Befestigung eines horizontalen Rohrs an einem Schiffscontainer

Discover how to attach a tube horizontally out of the side of the corner casting so that it comes out at a 90 degree angle. Read more…

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Anbringen von provisorischen Zaunplatten an einem Schiffscontainer

Discover how to attach temporary fence panels to a shipping container using a pair of 42mm vertical tube clamps to seal off any gaps. Read more…

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Vertikale Befestigung eines Rohrs an einem Transportbehälter

We show you how to attach metal tube or pipe vertically to a shipping container using our selection of vertical tube clamp accessories. Read more...

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Befestigung eines Banners an einem Schiffscontainer

Due to customer demand we are pleased to introduce a range of three kits for mounting a banner frame to your shipping container. Find out more here...

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Horizontale Befestigung eines Rohrs an der Seite eines Schiffscontainers

Discover how to attach a scaffold tube horizontally along the side of a container. Great for hanging decorative or advertising banners. Read more…

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Bausätze aktualisiert: Aluminium-Gerüstrohr jetzt enthalten

Our kits which make use of a short 48mm tube to fix accessories just above the shipping container roof now include an 80cm long aluminium tube. Read more…

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Befestigung von Gerüstrohren an einem Schiffscontainer

A guide to attaching 48mm steel, aluminium or scaffolding tube to a shipping container using Domino Clamps compared to some alternatives. Read more…

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Befestigung von Unistrut-Profilen an einem Schiffscontainer

We show you how to attach Unistrut channel and other compatible perforated channel systems to a shipping container using Domino Clamps. Read more...

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Verschiedene Methoden zur Befestigung eines Scheinwerfers an einem Schiffscontainer

Discover some of the different methods to mount a floodlight to a shipping container using Domino Clamps. Read more…

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